Yesterday I got my wisdom teeth out. All 4, impacted. I was nervous going into to surgical room, as one should be. They hooked me up to a heart monitor which beeped everytime my heart thumped, which gave my nervousness away because a new doctor came in and i heard the monitor's beeps speed up.
Here is the nervous patient in Fig 1.1
After the heart monitor hook-up, they gave the laughing gas, which made me feel all tingly and I didn't like it at all. It also freaked me out because I thought they may have forgotten that I was supposed to be under general anesthesia. But soon they were making me pump my fist to find the vein to insert the magic juice into. As soon as the needled pierced my skin I could feel me starting to get really light. Afraid about floating up and hitting the ceiling, I closed my eyes and woke up in a different room. The nurse was there talking to my mom, and there was gauze stuffed in my mouth. Thank heaven for magic juice.
When I got home I found ice packs to help calm down the swelling, but as you can imagine, if you even turn in the slightest they will start to reduce the swelling in your neck and chest, which isn't exactly what we need.
After discovering this, the invention of a lifetime came into my aid:
You never knew 2 gym socks tied around your head, filled with ice, deserved a thumbs-up now did you? Well this little contraption, fondly named the "Green Goblin", makes things a bit more bearable.
Ben was also over here all yesterday, watching chick flicks, feeding me ice cream and refilling my ice packs, being my knight in shining armor. I couldn't ask for more!
Day two is upon us now, we'll see what it has in store!