So... It's December 1st.
On a typical Friday Night...
I'm really not TRYING to be foggy.
- I'm on a real "Spiritual high" right now. I'm reading my scriptures, praying, and most important of all: PONDERING! I'm discussing things with Heavenly Father that I've never really thought of discussing with Him and I can tell you here and now that he knows you and listens to you.
- I'm dating one of the most uplifting people I've ever met. Never have I ever dated someone that makes me feel good all around (spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally) like he does. In past relationships I've been really blind to what should be most important, and now that I'm seeing the light, I'm glad to have him so close to me in the right ways!
- School is relatively monotonous. I love my ASL class, HATE my American Heritage class, skip my Honors 212 class a lot and have a crush on my D&C teacher.
- I still love my job. When I haven't seen people for a while the first thing they usually ask is "Are you STILL working at the museum?" I always reply with a hearty "Yes! It's the best job in the world," because it is. I love working with adults that I can learn so much from. I look up to them a lot.
- I love my roommates. I can't number the times I've teared up when I think of them. These girls are my closest friends and I can't imagine going through this crazy college life without their funny mumbled remarks, dance parties, and late night couch crashing. I think these "glory years" that everyone says we're experiencing really will be times I will NEVER forget.
- I'm looking forward to the choices I get to make in the next year. At the beginning of this new school year I made an internal decision to serve a mission. I've always wanted to serve and the more I think about it, the more my heart and mind agree that it would be the best thing to do. While I understand that marriage, if it is the right thing, will take precedence, this is still my plan. Relying on the Lord with his name on a badge on my chest, trudging through the snow (or intense heat, or sleet or hail or tornado) sounds like the most exciting adventure to me right now. I want to be a missionary. I've felt the promptings I need to feel, and this is my decision for now.
- Now, how Michael (my "wrapped in a bow, delivered straight to my door, spiritual giant, sweetest thing" boyfriend) and my mission go together I don't know, but I'm trying to take this advice:
One year older and wiser too...
They just keep growing!

Plan of Correction
Forbidden Love
As it so happens, we've kept in touch and this year, I was lucky enough to get the same thing. Here are two (out of 12!) of my favorite stanzas:
My three favorite things:
Sports, Sports Center and Mountain Dew.
But don't worry, in fourth,
is you, my boo.
So enjoy turning 20.
I hope it's simply the best.
Maybe I'll spend 21 with you,
And 22, 23, 24 and all the rest.
Mountain Dew rhymes with boo?! Who knew?! (ha) Did I mention he lives in Hawaii?
Blood's thicker than water....
Hickory Kist


His name is Matt Relei. You could never find him without a smile on his face, a protien bar and at least one bottle of Gatorade. He's famous for his kindness, portrayed here (amid my moaning and groaning--skip all that). He's showed up at my house with all kinds of fun things at the most random times: Sombraros, fake flowers, kites, peeps (Most people hate them, but he knew they were my favorite) and even flowers for me on our first date. Who would expect this from a big, bad BYU football player? Definitely not me.
"It is amazing to see the hand of the Lord in the work. He has truly laid the path and we are following. The mission is great. It really is. I am so glad that I decided to serve. It is amazing what the world does to people. Their thoughts and ideas only focus on things of the world and not anything more. What the world doesn’t know is that we have a potential that is celestial. We are of a divine lineage. We one day can be divine. I hope all this doesn’t sound just weird or like sci-fi because before the mission I probably would have just let this go in one ear and out the other but hopefully for whoever reads this meditates for a minute on this. Keep the future in mind. Don’t just get lost in the day-to-day rat race. Be the cat and be one step ahead."
His silly analogy next to heartfelt concern for the world represent him perfectly.
Boys, this is the kind of missionary you should be.
Girls, this is the kind of man you deserve to marry.