

You know when you just feel like everything is going right? when you hit all the green lights coming home from school, your mom sends you the sweetest email, you run into a delightful aquaintance in the store, you get your assignments done the night before instead of the day of?

Welcome to my life this week.

I've been so blessed this week it makes me emotional. People have been so supportive of me lately especially since Miss Pleasant Grove. It was a let down, not to do as well as I thought I was going to, but in the end i'm so glad i did it. That pageant taught me SO much about myself, and the biggest thing I learned is this: Doing service feels selfish for me, because i get so much joy and satisfaction from it. I want to keep serving all my life. I'm going to start a service journal. My friend and i were discussing journals the other night in a late night chat and he reminded me that the main reason the brethren encourage us to keep journals is for our posterity. And guess what posterity, service is SO important to me. It helps me think and focus on others, while ultimately helping myself the most. Mohammed Ali said it best:

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth."

I truly feel so absolutely blessed to be where I am today. I'm back to being me. I'm back to knowing who I am and what I want and where I want to go. I'm back to being able to care about others way more than I care about myself because I don't feel like I need the most help anymore.

Thank you to anyone who has said an encouraging word to me this last bit. Seriously, every word you typed, wrote or spoke was heard and I appreciate you so much. I wish I could bottle up the feelings I experience when I encounter you kind of selfless people and send it to you, just so you could get a small glimpse of what I am so lucky to be a part of.

I love my heavenly father. don't forget He loves to hear from you. He's the ultimate motivator, let me tell you. and when you turn to Him you are enabling yourself to be the tool in his hands to answer someone else's prayers. don't dull your usefullness by not turning to Him. toodles.

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