

I want to be good at blogging. I want to have a cute blog. I want to have meaningful things to say. So I'm going to try (however, probably no insightful nor cute things will be mentioned in this post).

This summer will consist of me:

1. Working at the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum
2. Living in King Henry Apartments with Hil and Abby
3. Spending every Saturday at Seven Peaks Water Park
4. Training for a half marathon on July 30th.
5. (insert something worthwhile here)

I'm looking for something to work through, a project for the summer. Whether it be reading a whole series of books, cooking my way through a cook book, visiting all the coolest places in Utah, documenting and compiling all the hilarious date stories I've had in my lifetime, etc. But I don't know where to start. Without Noteworthy this summer it's time to find my identity. If you have any project ideas please don't hesitate to let me know!

Happy re-blogging and Easter!

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