

You know when you just feel like everything is going right? when you hit all the green lights coming home from school, your mom sends you the sweetest email, you run into a delightful aquaintance in the store, you get your assignments done the night before instead of the day of?

Welcome to my life this week.

I've been so blessed this week it makes me emotional. People have been so supportive of me lately especially since Miss Pleasant Grove. It was a let down, not to do as well as I thought I was going to, but in the end i'm so glad i did it. That pageant taught me SO much about myself, and the biggest thing I learned is this: Doing service feels selfish for me, because i get so much joy and satisfaction from it. I want to keep serving all my life. I'm going to start a service journal. My friend and i were discussing journals the other night in a late night chat and he reminded me that the main reason the brethren encourage us to keep journals is for our posterity. And guess what posterity, service is SO important to me. It helps me think and focus on others, while ultimately helping myself the most. Mohammed Ali said it best:

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth."

I truly feel so absolutely blessed to be where I am today. I'm back to being me. I'm back to knowing who I am and what I want and where I want to go. I'm back to being able to care about others way more than I care about myself because I don't feel like I need the most help anymore.

Thank you to anyone who has said an encouraging word to me this last bit. Seriously, every word you typed, wrote or spoke was heard and I appreciate you so much. I wish I could bottle up the feelings I experience when I encounter you kind of selfless people and send it to you, just so you could get a small glimpse of what I am so lucky to be a part of.

I love my heavenly father. don't forget He loves to hear from you. He's the ultimate motivator, let me tell you. and when you turn to Him you are enabling yourself to be the tool in his hands to answer someone else's prayers. don't dull your usefullness by not turning to Him. toodles.


Life as of Late

Well, it's over.

Miss PG finished up last night. It went by SO fast. We were onstage doing the opening number and then quicker than you knew it, we were onstage waiting for the awards to be announced! I didn't make it into the royalty, but I did win the eveningwear portion of the night, nabbing myself a slick 100 bucks. No complaining there! I was so lucky to have so many friends and family there to support me. Seriously it wouldn't have been possible without you. It was a good experience overall though. I'm glad I did it, but i am SO glad it's over too. haha

It's funny, i haven't even planned my life past yesterday. Time to move upward and onward I guess! Congrats to the royalty. You guys deserve it, and I hope you have a GREAT year. :)

As for me, here are my goals and aspirations for the rest of the semester:
1. Keep going to the gym. It's my choice now, and swimsuit season is coming up.

2. Go to the temple every week.
-While we are on this subject, let me just tell you of a new friend i made, that has seriously influenced my life. His name is Mark Malmgren. We met at the freshman housing dance about a month ago and we have been hanging out and talking everyday since. When i met him i just thought he was another funny guy here at BYU, but the more i get to know him, the more i realize how much he knows about himself. He and I have IDENTICAL personalities so i think that's why we get along so well. Anyways, he is so set in his personality and ways. I feel like most of the time I am just struggling to keep my head above water, but he has shown me that when you like or dislike or have an opinion on something that you can let it be known and people will still like you! He's so spiritual too. He's the person that is going to make me go to the temple everyweek, because if we go around 4 on Wednesday like we did this week, then we get to spend about 2 hours just chillin and feeling the spirit. nothing better than that. I'm so lucky to have met him. Mark if you only knew what you really have helped me think about...

3. STUDY. let's be honest: I'm not a studier. This is another thing that Mark has taught me. He is ALWAYS studying. literally. and that's why he gets no less than a 98% on all his tests! insane little bugger, but i'm going to try to be better. And now i am done talking about mark. haha

4. Serve. i've learned through miss pg that i am the happiest when i am doing things for others and opening my heart and giving my time to them. when you're thinking about others, things seem to just kind of pan out in your life. at least that's how it's come for me.

5. Budget. i need to save my money. if i'm going to take a trip this summer i need to save. as a matter of fact, if i'm going to go to school in the fall i need to save. i'm growing up. sickness.

Back to regular life. and i agree with my friend hilary. i have won the parent lottery. thanks mom and dad for everything you've done for me and i'm sure there will be countless numbers of hours of help in the future also. i love you guys.

p.s.: Mark and i aren't dating. haha i know it kinda sounds like that. just friends.


MY blog.

Just for all you people out there that are wondering....this is MY blog.

Not mine and my mom's.

Not mine and Hilary's.


MINE. about me.

Thank you for your time.


What have I gotten myself into?

Miss PG.
It has changed my life. I've done 55+ hours of service in the last couple of weeks, have lost 10 lbs, and yet, i went into our workshop for the pageant and felt completely and totally unprepared.
I completely embarrassed myself.
My talent is a complete disaster, I'm slipping all over the place when I walk, my shoes catch on my dress, who knows what I'm going to wear for interview.
I am feeling absolutely inadequate and almost regretting signing up.
Don't get me wrong, I've loved having something to look forward to and work for, and the service aspect is great, but it's all the material stuff that I feel so unprepared for and I have 14 days.
I need a miracle.


i love a good shout out

Here's a little halla back at the best proofreader around.
love you (soon to be) Elder Pericle.


Oh happy day

Today it came!
The letter.
it's been 3 weeks and 4 days since i'd heard from him, but i got 4 pages of Tony to read. YAY!
I know, it may seem like sometimes i am just so down on life, but seriously this is the only place where i get to act down. I'm not the kind of person to act sad when i'm actually sad. i put on a really good face, and get over it.
"Outta sight, outta mind" is kinda my motto.
Except when it comes to tony. he just has to be on my mind all the time. ugh. but i kinda like it. haha
i'm laying in my bed at my parents house right now, and i completely forgot how good it felt to be here. i love my big bed and free laundry and food. and i love my family of course.
it was sunny today which was really nice.
i almost forgot how many people actually went to BYU during the winter. it seemed like people only existed in the ten minutes before each hour. but today, seeing as it was 50 degrees outside, people were taking naps on the grass, studying outside, and even stopping to talk to one another. there is seriously nothing i like more than walking across BYU campus when my classes are finished and just looking around. it is BEAUTIFUL. i really suggest just taking a walk around the good ol' Y to get you thinkin.
Things are looking up. :)