
Forbidden Love

He was my little sister's EFY counselor and he came to visit me while I was working at the Bean. I ate lunch with him every day that week--using my little sister as an excuse, of course, and he visited every day--using my little sister as an excuse, of course. Lucky for me, that Friday was my 19th birthday and like the gentelman that he is, he wrote me a poem. It included all the parts to make girls swoon (a confession of love, rap-like rhymes, reference to future dates, his phone number, etc).

As it so happens, we've kept in touch and this year, I was lucky enough to get the same thing. Here are two (out of 12!) of my favorite stanzas:

My three favorite things:
Sports, Sports Center and Mountain Dew.
But don't worry, in fourth,
is you, my boo.

So enjoy turning 20.
I hope it's simply the best.
Maybe I'll spend 21 with you,
And 22, 23, 24 and all the rest.

Mountain Dew rhymes with boo?! Who knew?! (ha) Did I mention he lives in Hawaii?


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