
Strange Realizations.

Today has been an interesting day.
I woke up, knew exactly what I wanted to wear, showered and got ready in record time, and then went off to work. I somehow missed the info that it was scheduled to rain and sleet and snow all day though, so of course, the cute outfit i had planned didn't have a hood, and i didn't have an umbrella. I walked a mile in the sleet to my class and back, making my hair a tangled, damp mess and taking all conviction right out of me.
After that depressing outing, i came home to my lovely apartment, made myself a pita and talked with my roomate. Hil and i get along so well it's a very nice breath of fresh air having her around. Anyways, our underneath neighbor Lyse asked if I would do an interview for her about Miss Pleasant Grove for her Communications class I think (Sorry Lyse, i don't really remember). She came up and we were just chit chatting about the process and the judging etc. Then we got into talking about the pageant, like REALLY talking about it and I got this overwhelming feeling of pride and peace. The feeling of knowing that this really is what i am supposed to be doing at this time. It seriously has been so good for me to be involved in this program. I have gotten back to the core of what I believe in and what I think is most important; something that i have put on the back burner for the longest time. I feel like i have learned SO much about myself from being able to grow in so many different aspects that have to do with this competition.
I know that it's weird to say that a scholarship pageant could have been sent my way by a loving Father in Heaven, but really, it totally was. I'm so excited to do this, and to have people be proud of my accomplishment. Just getting ready for the pageant is a task in itself, and i'm so excited to get to be involved in something that i really do feel passionate about and that i'm looking forward to working towards. Thanks to everyone who has even acted interested in this for me. it really means a lot to me.

The church is true.


  1. I'm just so glad that you decided to do ms pg. After talking to you about it I can tell its just what you needed. I kind of want to come to the pageant now!!

  2. lyse. you made me talk about the real reasons i did it and i'm so happy you did! but you can totally come if you'd like. it's on march 20th. it's $7 a ticket which is kind of a bummer, but i'd love to have you there!
